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Rashi Concord Grape Extra Heavy

Rashi Concord Grape Extra Heavy

Regular price $4.97 USD
Regular price $5.97 USD Sale price $4.97 USD
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Extra heavy, fruity and hearty, specially sweetened natural grape wine. Best served with desserts, pastries, and fruit.
Rashi winery, adjusted to the needs of an ever more demanding and selective market, in which quality is an essential constant, a pre-requisite for a flawless, stable, homogeneous product. This means state-of-the-art equipment, and access to the most appropriate technologies.\n

\nThe new look, which stands alongside the old, rather than in its place, is one of shiny steel, and electronically-controlled, automatic processes, for past and future living together in a dynamic, efficient present capable of taking on the toughest competition in the acquisition of new markets.

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